Young Filmmakers
If you're already determined to become an award winning director, producer, screenwriter, cinematographer or any other role within the industry we'd love to meet you! Even if you're unsure of what exactly you want to do, but
are enthusiastic about filmmaking reach out and introduce
yourself so you can meet other likeminded young creators
Young Critics
If you love films and love letting people know how much you love films, consider becoming a young critic. We want to help aspiring critics by platforming their reviews, creating a supportive community and facilitating
opportunities through screenings and festival passes.
Industry professionals
If you're an industry professional who would like to reach out and volunteer some time to talk to our Network we would love to hear from you! Whether you want to come in and present about your career, role or project or just come for an
informal chat, our Network would love to hear from you!
Work Experience/Shadowing opportunites
If you are in the business of funding scrappy lil groups trying to do the best for their members please reach out! We have big plans and any support can make a huge impact to us. We want to make filmmaking accessible to all young people regardless of background, reduce imposter syndrome and increase the
chances of a level playing field by creating a supportive
Network of collaborators. We would love to have a
chat with you :)
If you're in the position to offer a quality work experience or shadowing opportunity to out Network members, we would love to hear from you. Within our Network we have members from secondary school up to film degree graduates and
would like to work with you to safely facilitate opportunities for
them to gain experience and broaden their network.